The best way to listen to Vintage Stories is on Itunes, Spotify, Sound Cloud or the new Google Podcast app for Android. There's also plenty of other great apps such as Stitcher or Podbean. In other words, DO NOT listen to it directly from this website. The audio player on this website is not very strong. Best to do it through an app on your device or through one of the links below. Also, please do rate and review us on iTunes. It really helps!
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We’re very excited to be producing the podcast over the next two years in conjunction with the Pinot Noir New Zealand 2022 Conference. Daniel will first be diving deep into each Pinot Noir region, their history, their people and the three pillars of the conference of tūrangawaewae, whanaungatanga and kaitiakitanga.
The 2019 Spring Season is here!!!
2019 Winter Season
We’re now on Instagram! Follow us to get the early clips, extra photos of our guests and all the latest updates at ‘dBvintagestories’ on IG.
2018 Spring Season
2018 Winter Season
Archived episodes...
A seven part mini-series on the appellation covering 800ha, strictly determined by the gravelly soils laid down by the old Ngaruroro River, which were exposed after a huge flood in the 1860’s. Episodes 36 through 42 will focus on this special place and some of the people and stories behind the wines.