dB Podcast Episode 15 - Keith Wallace - American Writer and owner of The Wine School of Philadelphia

Keith Wallace is the Founder of the Wine School of Philadelphia and www.vinology.com.  He was the executive chef and journalist for National Public Radio and he is a published author for a variety of publications including thedailybeast.com, Philadelphia magazine and even some of his own books such as ‘Corked and Forked’.  He is a former chef and has worked at wineries from California to Italy.  He is a man with many connections and also an artist with swear words. 

Keith and I sat down on a very hot summer day in the main room of his Wine School just off of Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia.  We spoke of all the many ventures and paths he has taken.  We spoke of all the mistakes made in the wine industry.  We spoke about a new book he is writing.  We spoke loudly and frankly.  Cheers!

Origina post date: 2nd of August 2012